Annabelle429's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Annabelle429's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Grandma and Pap saw your new art work of your winter tree. It was great...Pap thought it looked a bit scary but Grandma thought it looked like many arms ready to give you a hug. Keep being creative!!! Love you, Grandma and Pap
- on April 28, 2015
Annie your art work was awesome. Grandma always liked Eric Carle's books! The purple and lie are so pretty together and the design around your artwork is beautiful. Pap likes your art work too! Love, Grandma and Pap
- on January 15, 2015
-- Grandma D
- on May 6, 2014
Hi Annie, this art is fantastic! Love, Grandma D
- on May 6, 2014
Annie, your artwork is fantastic! Love, Grandma D
- on April 22, 2014
Hi Annie, Your beautiful purple bowl must have been fun to make. Sounds like you are having fun in art class!! Love, Grandma and Pap
- on April 4, 2014
Hi Annie, your pottery is lovely!
-- Grandma D
- on March 31, 2014
Hi Annabelle, I love your underwater art picture! Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma
- on March 20, 2014
Hi Annabelle, I love this art! I always love looking at your designs. The colors are brilliant and so HAPPY looking! It makes me smile!
-- Diane
- on January 29, 2014
What a beautiful painting!! You are quite the talented little artist, Annie! I look forward to seeing more of your art! We love you!
-- Lindsay
- on January 28, 2014