I love the use of your favorite color Yellow! Nice work Gabby Love Mommy
- on October 29, 2014
Hi Gabby....glad to see you love making art like me!..I love the colors you used together, they are so bright and cheerful...it made me feel good just before going to bed. I want to make a bright painting like yours now. Do you love flowers too? I do! -- Aunt Lisa
- on October 29, 2014
That is a cool project you made of clay Gabby. You and your teachers work well together to get the most out of you talent kiddo! I love the colors you choose to use and the placement of the yellow on the wing. Tricky tricky tricky. Very clever -- Uncle Malcolm
- on November 20, 2013
love the brown hands with nial polish on them. That has to be your hands huh??? I like the middle flower that has darker flower peddles on it. It makes a good contrast. Vibrant colors always makes me smile!!! -- Uncle Malcolm
- on November 20, 2013
The Kingly K-9.... I Love it! The way you blended the top of the dog's head into a crown was brillant! The purple background shows a sign of royalty, while the doggie sits on his throne is a very strong image of a KING. Way to get it right baby girl -- Uncle Malcolm
- on November 20, 2013
I really enjoy your work. Nice hands -- Vanessa
- on October 9, 2013
I love the colors you used in this picture. It reminds me of Mystic. -- Vanessa
- on October 9, 2013
I love this picture! You are a great Artist Gabrielle -- Vanessa