Ava6490's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Ava6490's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Amazing work Ava! So much detail and so realistic. Love the A above the door :-) Well done!
-- Dawn
- on February 9, 2018
Nice artwork Ava! Love your creativity and this picture looks like it was fun to make :-)
-- Dawn
- on December 27, 2017
HI AVa, The more I look at this , the more I would like to eat one or two ! I love pop sickles, specially Orange ones. YOu must have drawn these on a very hot day.
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
HEllo AVa, WHat a lovely design. THe colors go so well together. WHat gives you the inspiration? KEep up the good works.
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
HI AVa, I love the colors that you put together here. YEllow is my facorite. NIce job.
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
HI AVa, YOu are becoming quite an artist now. THis Picture is very interesting. I would like to hear the story behind it. KEep up the Good work.
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
AVa, THe vase with flowers are really beautiful. I love the purple lilacs especially. YOu have such a creative mind. I Love it. !!!!!
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
AVa, I just love the piece that you weaved !!!!! YOu are so good, I believe you will be able to make all of your sibling neck scarfs for that winter. did you find this ezy to do? I also knit and crochet. YOur display is beautiful LOve ya.....
-- Mimi
- on August 30, 2017
Ava This reminds me of a beautiful windmill. When I was young, a small stick was attached to it, about the size of a straw that you drink with, and we would run while the windmill went round and round. It was so much fun and entertaining. I love it. I am so proud of your paintings.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Avaey are so natural Flowers are always a lovely thought. They are so natural. Do I see purple lilacs? My favorite ! Beautiful job. !
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava Trying to get my thought process going. I can see you put a lot of thought into this painting. Wish it had a caption under it to let me know what you were thinking. Lots of water, that's for sure. Very interesting.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava This is like a mosaic puzzle. I love it, especially the colors. Beautiful painting.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava Are these jelly bellies? I heard you liked them. So do I. They are my favorite. I eat them all the time. What inspired you to paint this machine with the candies in it ? Nice painting.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava I love the color purple. Blue goes very well with it. You certainly did put a lot of thought in that painting. I love it. Good job ! I
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava, Something tells me you love strawberries, yes? Really nice painting. I love strawberries too.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava, You are so creative ! I see that you love the colors! You paint such beautiful things.
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava I love this painting ! It is so unique and so calming Beautiful piece of work !
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava What a delicious looking breakfast ! Is this one of your favorites?
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Ava, What an interesting picture. I am wondering what your thoughts were when you painted it. What was uppermost on your mind.?. Keep up the good work ! The colors are beautiful !
-- Mimi
- on March 13, 2017
Very cool artwork Ava! Love it, and your awesome creativity!
-- Dawny
- on October 5, 2016
Awesome picture Ava! Love the colors and design you made :-)
-- Dawn
- on May 11, 2016
Ava, I am guessing you really like the fast of Popsicles. they taste great on a hot day. Theyreally cool you off. We had orange Popsicles in our Candy store with vanilla ice cream Inside. They were very good. Come summer time, you will be eating them again.. Enjoy them. Yaour drawings look like the real thing...... Love Ya
-- Mimii
- on March 23, 2016
Ava, .what I spires you to draw the frog? Is he trying to swallow a yellow ball? I guess he can't get it down. ! :)
-- Mimii
- on March 23, 2016
Dear Ava, Your drawing reminds me of when I was a young girl in my parents candy store. We had a machine similar to that with jaw breakers in it. IT was a Penney candy that you sucked on for seemingly hours , They were different colors and tasted very very good . it brings back old memories. QYou did a great job in drawing it. With Love Mimi
-- Mimii
- on March 23, 2016
My Dear Ava, I look at your drawing and think how beautiful it is and how you thought of such a thing. The deep purple coming out from the center of the flower reminds me of tentacles . they look so gentle !! I just love that picture, especially si ce green and purple are my favorite colors. Keep drawing like this and you might become a great artist. You have wonderful thoughts. love you Mimi
-- Mimii
- on March 23, 2016
Amazing artwork Ava! Love the colors and the way it is layered! You have so many gifts and are so creative ??
-- Dawn
- on February 4, 2016
Wow Ava. This is amazing work. I am so proud of you!!
-- Jennifer
- on January 28, 2016
Hi Ava! I have just looked at all of your beautiful drawings and it was hard to just pick one as my favorite. But I did settle on this one. the colors are all of my favorites. You are so talented. I dont think I could draw that well when I was your age. I look forward to seeing what your next drawing will be about. love you
-- MiMi
- on November 21, 2015
Hi There Ava !!! What a lovely picture. ! They are all of my favorite colors ! Especially purple and green. You are really a unique Artist. I love your 'style'. How talented you are. Does your teacher give you a theme to go by, or do you think of what subject You want to create yourself? I Love these creations !!!!! keep up the good works . Love you mimi
-- MiMi
- on May 7, 2015
Awesome picture Ava! Beautiful colors and so creative :-)
-- Dawn
- on May 7, 2015
Ava, This is a very unique creation
-- Fred
- on April 17, 2015
wonderful work little Ava! I always look forward to seeing what a great job you have done!
-- Jennifer
- on April 14, 2015
I love the new Kitty Cat Ava...your work gets better and better!
-- Jennifer
- on January 7, 2015
I love this picture little Ava! Wow, way better than I could ever do. So proud of you!
-- Jennifer
- on December 13, 2014
Loving your art work Ava! Sooooooo good :-)
-- Dawn
- on January 31, 2014