Lexi2452's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Lexi2452's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lexi, this painting has some pretty cool colors. Are blue and green your favorite ones? We love everything you create. Love, Grandma and Poppa
-- Grandma
- on March 22, 2016
Lexi, you have such a wonderful sense of color:Such bright colors for the autumn leaves while the wind and background are predominantly blue...I really like this very much. Much love, Great-Grandma Lu
-- Lucille
- on January 6, 2016
Lexi, you have such interesting art projects. You are so careful to stay in the lines and use such great colors. We look forward to seeing how creative you are with each project. Love, Poppa and Grandma
-- Grandma
- on January 6, 2016
Lexi, You do such interesting art projects. We love looking at them and hope you had fun creating them. You are so careful to stay in the lines and use great colors. We are proud of all your art projects. Love, Poppa and Grandma
-- Grandma
- on January 6, 2016
Lexi, you have done so much wonderful art work recently! I love it all...xxxooo Great-Grandma Lu
-- Lucille
- on January 6, 2016
Lexi, we love your new art work. It has so many different designs to look at. We hope you had fun designing it.
-- Grandma & Poppa
- on November 18, 2015
Lexi, I love the way your name seems to naturally belong on the background pattern. That pattern is wonderful, too - so carefully chosen. All my love...
-- Great-Grandma Lu
- on November 18, 2015
I love your creative use of color in this artwork, Lexi xxxooo Great-Grandma
-- Lucille
- on July 1, 2015
Hi, Lexi - This gum machine makes me want to reach up and grab a few gum balls for myself! I love your use of color and shapes... All my love, Great-Grandma xxxooo
-- Lucille
- on March 17, 2015
Lexi, I love this! Did you know I have a black cat who loves to lie on my yoga mat? She knows she looks good on the purple mat. So, this cat on a mat is really special to me... xxxooo Great-Grandma
-- Lucille
- on January 7, 2015
Lexi, this is a very interesting piece of artwork. It has so many different shapes and colors. Did it take you a long time to design? Poppa and I love it!
-- Gail
- on October 24, 2014
Lexi, I REALLY like this...the use of color is wonderful. Tell me about this...what inspired you? All my love, Great-Grandma xo
-- Lucille
- on October 20, 2014
This is terrific, Lexi! I especially like the water feature. It is nice example of Impressionism... xxxooo Great-Grandma
-- Lucille
- on June 5, 2014
This picture is great! It makes me want to "boogie on the boardwalk" with you. Can't wait to see what is next.
-- Aunt Lori
- on March 25, 2014
Love this, Lexi. It is a very well done piece of abstract art in primary colors. The name is terrific, too. All my love, Great-Grandma xo
-- lucille
- on March 19, 2014
Hi, Lexi - I love popsicles and I love color - so, I love this art work two ways. But it is extra special because you made it. xxxooo Great-Grandma
-- Lucille
- on February 11, 2014
What a cool picture! I bet you were thinking about how good these would taste on a hot summer day. I hope the weather warms up soon for you.
-- Gail
- on February 8, 2014
I LOVE this!!!!!! And it makes me excited for summer...it will be here one day! :)
-- Mommy
- on February 7, 2014
Lexi, I love this bouquet of flowers. It is so bright and colorful to look at. It is so cheerful. Love, Grandma Gail.
-- Gail
- on October 25, 2013
I Love this beautiful bouquet! They are even better than real flowers because they won't die! XO Mom
-- Mom
- on October 15, 2013
Lexi, what a beautiful bouquet that you created! I'm so proud of you! xoxo- Auntie Rachel
-- Rachel
- on October 14, 2013
Lexi, this is so interesting and colorful. I bet you had fun creating it. Love, Grandma Gail
-- Gail
- on October 8, 2013
This is a beautiful piece Lexi! I am so glad to be able to see your artwork online!
-- Rachel
- on October 7, 2013
Lexi I love this piece! Beautiful work! xoxo-Auntie Rachel
-- Rachel
- on October 7, 2013
AWESOME! I love these! They are so pretty!
-- Marshall
- on October 3, 2013
How beautiful, Lexi!I'm so happy to be a member of your fan club!!!xxxooo Great-Grandma
-- Lucille
- on October 3, 2013
What a beautiful picture Lex! I LOVE it! I can't wait to hear all about how you made it! XO
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2013