Adriana1638's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Adriana1638's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Another truly creative demonstration of real talent - love the way you make something so simple so beautiful
-- Pop Pop
- on June 14, 2014
love your art work keep up the good work someday you might become an artist love great grand ma , na na
-- renee
- on March 7, 2014
Dear Adrianna, I just wanted you to know how much I loved your picture of the flowers that Pop-Pop bought for me. I hung it up on the wall as I come into the house so I can see it everyday as I enter and leave. So that means I'm thinking of you and wondering what you are doing and if you are making anymore beautiful pictures. Keep up the good work I look forward to seeing many more wonderful paintings from you in the future. Love and kisses, Mimi
-- Mimi
- on March 7, 2014
Adriana, You are so "Talented" Keep up the great artwork! I enjoy seeing every new portrait of yours. You are A M A Z I N G !!! Love Aunt Peggy
-- Peggy
- on February 27, 2014
Mama, I absolutely love your artwork :) I wish to own a house one day and frame all of these amazing paintings that show your personality and have dad hang them in a special hallway or stairway. Or it would be cute to make each painting apply to a tile and have random tiles with your paintings on them made Into a kitchen table topper. Keep up the amazing work so when the time comes mom can fill that wall.. I love you my little artist <3
-- Jen (mom)
- on February 27, 2014
love it its beautiful
-- renee
- on February 18, 2014
This is the picture I ordered framed for Mimi - its her valentines present and not only will she love it buy I will love it more. Miss you Adriana and I can not wait to see your new little sister.
-- Pop Pop
- on February 11, 2014
Adriana both Mimi and I loved your flower and want to put it in a frame and hang it in our home so we can see it every day - We know you and your sister got your talent from your parents who both are artistic and support your art. We love the pictures and Thank you for sharing
-- Pop Pop
- on February 4, 2014
Adriana, You are an amazing artist! I cant believe that at such a young age, you put out artwork that everyone can enjoy and buy. I would like to have your address, so I can put it under my "Famous People I Know" list! I just joined you fan club! When you have some time in your busy artistic schedule, I would love to purchase a piece of art with a doggie in it! Keep up the good work, and please invite me to your first "Live Showing". I am sure that it will be in a big city like, New York or Los Angeles. I would like to go to the one in Los Angeles. I will bring all my friends! I love you sweetie.
-- Peggy
- on January 30, 2014
Love the art it is great work adriana, keep up the good work
-- Renee
- on January 30, 2014