Great picture. It looks like a road I want to travel. -- Rachel
- on November 27, 2018
A beautiful use of color. Nice profile! -- Rachel
- on November 2, 2018
This picture is amazing! -- Rachel
- on February 7, 2017
This looks amazing! I can not wait to put it on display. -- Rachel
- on January 18, 2017
Awesome and scary!! -- Rachel
- on January 20, 2016
Beautiful use of shapes and colors. Good job Jacob -- Rachel
- on December 6, 2015
Jacob Rempfer Pa Pa & I like your picture. We were deciding many things we could imagine seeing in it. I saw an underwater monster eating things with its long tongue and Pa Pa saw a big birds beak catching things with its tongue. We both like the vibrant colors. Love your grandparents. -- Julia
- on October 17, 2015
Beautiful... Great use of color.
- on October 12, 2015
The lighthouse composition illustrates the student's ability to follow directions, draw shapes, placement of shapes. and render in color. The overall effect to visually convey a lighthouse located on an edge of land by the ocean.
- Judy (teacher at Sherwood Cass Elementary) on October 8, 2013