Nicholas15770's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Nicholas15770's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW! If I was a bird I would be scared of this scarecrow. Nice Job, Nick!
-- Papa Bob
- on January 5, 2015
Merry Christmas Nicholas!! Your ornament is beautiful! Mimi and Poppa are so proud of you. Keep us the good work. You are amazing and we love you sooo much!! Love, Mimi
-- Linda
- on January 14, 2015
Mommy is so proud of your hard work. I love all that you do!!! xoxo
-- Mommy
- on December 12, 2014
WOW! Nick you are becoming a very good artist. Keep up the good work. Love Papa Bob and Lolo
-- Papa Bob
- on June 13, 2014
Nicholas, your artwork is beautiful and so detailed. I especially love the green grass, the flowering tree, the blue sky and the sunshine! Keep up the great work. I am so proud of you. Love, Mimi
-- Linda
- on June 13, 2014
Mr. Nick you are becoming quite the tree artist-very nice! I am looking forward to seeing your next piece of art. Love, Papa Bob
-- Papa Bob
- on March 26, 2014
Nicholas, I didn't realize you are have the most art talent in the whole family. Keep up this beautiful work! Love, Papa Bob
-- Papa Bob
- on January 15, 2014
Great job Nicholas!!! Another piece of beautiful artwork! I'm so proud of you! Keep it up!
-- Laura
- on January 6, 2014
Nicholas, I am so proud of you! Your shape pictures are terrific! You are learning so much already this year in school. You make Pappa and I so happy! It is so great to see what you accomplish each day. We love you!! Love, Mimi
-- Linda
- on January 6, 2014
Nicholas, you're tree is awesome. That must have taken a long time. I love all the beautiful colors! I am so proud of you! You are Mimi's pride and joy. Keep up the good work!
-- Linda
- on January 6, 2014
Nicholas, I am so proud of you! This is the most beautiful and creative tree, that I have ever seen! Awesome job! Keep up the great work! Love, titi
-- Laura
- on September 19, 2013