These turned out great, first graders! Remember overlapping and diagonals. Also horizon line behind your objects. I hope you have a lovely summer and hope to see you ALL in second grade. We are going to make more beautiful things. YOU ROCK!!! Love, Mrs. Keefer
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 30, 2014
I am so impressed with your beautiful works, first graders! GO HAVE SOME SUMMER FUN ;) Love, Mrs. Keefer
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 30, 2014
Loved reading about your summer, first graders!
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 11, 2014
A special thanks to Tulasi's mom for the multi-cultural talk on Rangoli-Mandala during the holidays! Also thanks to Tulasi's mom for donating all of the beans! Wow, we are lucky to have so many loving parents dedicate their time and talents to our K-2 fine arts program, and this is a great example!
First graders, you TOTALLY rocked your fine motor skills on these works!
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 11, 2014
Super gooey, super cool!
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 11, 2014
These Egyptian-style drawings turned out AMAZING!!
- Ruth (teacher at Parish Episcopal Lower School (K-2)) on May 11, 2014