Great job Paige. Keep up the good work... Love and miss you.... -- Daddy
- on May 18, 2015
Wow Paige! Great use of color! This looks like an abstract painting I did for a college art class! Good job sweetie pie!!
- on April 30, 2015
You are becoming quite the artist young lady. Love you, Nani -- Wanda
- on April 30, 2015
Wow Paige, good work! Very nice picture! Keep up the artistic touch, Love you! -- Poppa Dave
- on March 25, 2015
great job Paige. Daddy loves you hunny -- daddy
- on January 23, 2015
excellent Job miss Paige! Looks soooo pretty:)
- on January 12, 2015
Look at all those dots -- daddy
- on October 1, 2014
Good job hunny. Love you -- daddy
- on October 1, 2014
Excellent Job Miss Paige!!! -- Mommy
- on April 16, 2014
This is my favorite so far. It looks a lot like some of the work your mommy did when she first started. Love it. -- Wanda
- on March 13, 2014
This is beautiful but I really wish they used washable black marker instead of permanent sharpies so it is easier to get off her sleeves and pants -- Mom
- on February 10, 2014
Awesome job! Keep up the hard work! ~Mrs. Gorham
- Michele (teacher at Frederick Leighton School) on December 4, 2013