Elijah6214's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Elijah6214's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Seems like this picture represents a Fridat. A great day topped off with an ice cream. You are very creative. Keep up the great imaginery outlook on life through your art baby. I love you...
-- David
- on June 9, 2015
To me, this represents the struggle in the world. On a deeper note, how sometimes we have to stop and smell the roses in life. Baby, you taught me alot through your art but especially now! I love you so much! Never stop showing me the truth. May God bless all the days.
-- David
- on April 29, 2015
baby I'm so proud of you this is a work of genius. I think you can be an artist you can actually be anything you want to be when you grow up just put your mind to it.
-- Bigg
- on March 26, 2015
Thats so cute. Very good elaboration of a penguin in the snow. Im very proud of you son!
-- Daddy
- on December 20, 2014
Very artistic! It definitely shows your artistic side. It seems like a whole bunch of houses put together so all of our family members can live in side by side. Im so proud of you son. Keep up the good work. Im truly amazed by your creativity. I love you! With all of my heart...
-- Daddy
- on December 20, 2014