Andrew, I love this! Your little bird is so cute. He looks like he is ready to get his drink of water. -- Judy
- on March 1, 2014
Very colorful snowmen! I keep wondering what they are looking at. -- Judy
- on March 1, 2014
I really love cardinals. We have lots of them come to our bird feeders. We even live on Redbird Street. You did a great job on him and the pine branch. -- Judy
- on March 1, 2014
This is a terrific owl! He looks like he could just fly off that branch. He is so cute. -- Judy
- on March 1, 2014
What pretty goldfish! I love the colors in this. -- Judy
- on March 1, 2014
Wow. Feels like they are looking right at me. Nice job. -- Grandma
- on March 1, 2014
Wow...Beautiful... -- Grandma
- on December 16, 2013
Great job Andrew! You should be very proud of yourself. I love your little cardinal there on that pine branch. I think he really loves all that snow coming down. -- Mrs. O
- on December 16, 2013
This is so beautiful. It reminds me of Oklahoma where the cardinals would perch in our tree in our front yard. Wow! -- Lori
- on December 16, 2013
Beautiful fish bowl. I wonder what the fish in the back is saying. -- Grandma
- on November 25, 2013
Love the Owl. Especially the blue feathers -- Grandma