Very cool looking unicorn Miranda love all the color you use in all your paintings. -- Luke
- on May 9, 2018
Wonderful- I love the colors! -- Angela (Mom)
- on January 3, 2018
I love this piece! Eyes have always been one of my favorite things to draw and this is beautiful! -- Angela
- on October 10, 2017
Looks fantastic Miranda can't wait to see all your artwork this year. -- Luke
- on October 10, 2017
Very interesting work. I am interested in knowing who this is a picture of? -- Angela
- on October 2, 2017
This piece is absolutely beautiful! I received it as a gift for Mother's Day and love it. The picture does not do it justice- it looks even better when you see it up close. -- Angela
- on May 17, 2017
Oh I love it- what a fabulous picture. I can't wait to see it when it comes home! Love - Mom -- Angela
- on March 8, 2017
I love your chameleon Miranda..... -- Luke / dad
- on February 22, 2017
This piece belongs in an art museum -- Luke / dad
- on February 22, 2017
Absolutely brilliant this piece needs to be hanging in a museum! -- Luke
- on February 22, 2017
I love this picture! -- Angela
- on February 6, 2017
Beautiful! I love the purple and orange contrast. -- Angela
- on February 6, 2017
I especially like your "Bird and Bird House". Lots of nice detail. Very pretty! -- Antoinette
- on October 4, 2016
Love your artwork, Miranda, keep up the good work!! Papa and I look forward to seeing what you do next! Love you, Busia -- Antoinette
- on October 4, 2016
Your collection of artwork is outstanding. I especially like the hot air balloon and quote "Dream." It says so much. Wonderful!! -- Marlene