I agree with Bubba. This is a great yarn abstract. You should be thankful for your great imagination. LOve you -- Aunt Diane
- on November 14, 2015
Great work. I love this yarn abstract. Bubba loves you and is very proud of you. -- Shirley
- on October 28, 2015
Corey... You're doing an awesome job with all this artwork! This one in particular is a fav of mine. You'll have to tell me about it sometime. Don't forget to sign them so if you become famous they'll be worth lots of money! Keep it up! Love, Becky -- Becky
- on October 14, 2015
Good job Corey!! Love mom
- on October 8, 2015
Dear Corey- Bubba & I Think your art work is super-duper we LOVE you Pappap & bubba -- Herman
- on October 8, 2015
Corey, I am very proud of you. You do an awesome job on your artwork!!! Love Mom -- Janeen
- on February 2, 2015
Corey, keep up the great work and thinking outside the box. You have the ability to do whatever you want in your life. Know your dreams, and write your goals down on paper.(they start to become real when you write them down). Then, dont stop until you accomplish them. -- your awesome cousin Kevin
- on December 7, 2014
Corey Great job. Keep posting new pictures! Love you -- Aunt Diane
- on November 14, 2014
Corey, Mom and Dad are very proud of you!!! Your drawing is AWESOME. Lots of Love -- Janeen