Fun! Overlapping hands of many colors make for an interesting world! -- Kt
- on March 14, 2015
Kate, I love all of the detail you included in your artwork. My friend, Frances, and I both enjoy how clever you are. We are on an airplane together and so she got to see it. Frances is an artist and she has lots of art for you to enjoy next weekend when you come to see me. I love you very much, Kate. Love, KT -- KT
- on October 21, 2014
Beautiful work, Kate! I so look forward to seeing your art! KT is really proud of how hard you work at school. I love you. K T. -- Kathryn
- on August 17, 2014
Hi, Kate! This is fun! It reminds me of the art I see around the corner from me in the gallery. Give me a this a dog or cat? -- Kathryn
- on April 3, 2014
Hi Kate, I really like how much the person in your drawing is excited about all of the surrounding nature. Beautiful work! -- Kathryn
- on March 12, 2014
Kate, I really love this one. What is your vision or artistic intent for this piece? I am your big fan, and I love you! KT -- KT
- on February 19, 2014
Hi Kate. I love your drawings. You are quite the artist!!! I so enjoy being with you. I'm glad we share our names. -- Kathryn
- on January 1, 2014
Your drawings are beautiful. Please make for Mamaw and me a drawing of Jesus in the manger being adored by Mary and Joseph. -- Papaw
- on December 18, 2013
Wonderful Picture Kate! Love your designs! -- Jackie