Cylis4's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Cylis4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work with exploring depth and shape!!! Love it!! Mama
-- Marlo
- on October 18, 2016
Thinking of you as your birthday approaches. Wish I could see all the work in person.
-- Nancy
- on October 18, 2016
I've always loved this one! Keep it up babe. You amaze me!
-- Marlo
- on December 20, 2015
This is a great emotions portrait! I hope you can write little descriptors for them all!!!!
-- Marlo
- on December 20, 2015
Jackson Pollack in the making!!!!!!
-- Marlo
- on December 20, 2015
Coolest self portait I've seen, and accurate to who u are!!!
-- Marlo
- on December 20, 2015
One of my favs!!!!
-- Mama
- on December 20, 2015
Knew you were awesome ! Now have proof !
-- GrandmaNancy
- on December 20, 2015