charity373's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about charity373's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Charity, this is beautiful sweety!!!! I'm proud of you!!!
-- Juanita/Mom
- on November 23, 2013
These are so pretty Charity!! Keep up the good work! Aunt Dawn loves you very much!!
-- Dawn
- on November 23, 2013
Awww! Charity, this is so cute! You are such an artist!
-- Dawn
- on November 23, 2013
Hey charity its grandma. I really love your art work honey its so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!! You will have too make grandma something and send it to me ok. You are doing such a great job honey!!!!!!!! Grandma loves you!!!!!!!!!Keep up the great work honey
-- Laurie
- on October 22, 2013
This is just so cute! I really like that I can see your art online! Aunt Dawn is proud of you! You are very artistic!!
-- Dawn
- on October 22, 2013
Hello my beautiful niece Charity! This is some gorgeous artwork you have created! You must have worked very hard on this. I've always admired your imagination Charity!! Keep up with the good work & always remember be YOU-nique :) Aunt Jojo loves you and misses you.
-- Jolene
- on October 22, 2013
Very proud of you!!! I love this art work!!!!!
-- juanita
- on October 18, 2013