I think your worry monsters are kind of cute. If they were stuffed animals, I would like one. -- Linda
- on June 5, 2019
I like what you did here. It captures the essence of worry monsters -- Granpa
- on May 29, 2019
This is my favorite of your art pieces so far! I love the personality you've given your worry monsters. Although they are worried, they are really taking it in stride. -- Cadry
- on May 29, 2019
Kennedy, I really like this project. It is a great representation of those annoying worry monsters. I wondered how the eyes turned out so white and clear. I'm glad you explained the process. -- Mom
- on May 29, 2019
Just love this artwork Kennedy. When I enlarged it I saw all the neat extras you added. Can't wait to see it later in person. -- Linda
- on May 29, 2019
Great color. Water colors are a hard medium. -- Granpa
- on May 22, 2019
Bold -- Granpa
- on May 8, 2019
Very interesting Kennedy. I see a bear and cat. What are they doing? Please tell me the whole story when I see you next. -- Linda
- on May 1, 2019
Whimsical -- Granpa
- on April 24, 2019
I like it. Two tones but works for me -- Granpa
- on April 17, 2019
Patterns are pretty. -- Granpa
- on March 27, 2019
I really like this artwork you created. I will be happy to get to see it when get to bring it home. -- Linda
- on March 20, 2019
Very interesting Kennedy. I like it and want to hear more about it when I see you next. -- Linda
- on March 13, 2019
I think I already said this looked like very interesting jewelry. -- Granpa
- on March 13, 2019
This is one of the best things. I really like it. Thoughtful -- Granpa
- on March 13, 2019
Looks like a very interesting design for jewelry. -- Granpa
- on March 6, 2019
Kennedy I like your portrait. I'm looking forward to seeing it in person. Looks like a card game gone bad to me. -- Linda
- on February 20, 2019
Satire. I love it. -- Granpa
- on February 20, 2019
Kennedy, I love your Picasso portrait! I wouldn't have realized it was on a box if you hadn't said that, but now I can see it. I like the extra designs you added to the artwork. Fun! -- Mom
- on February 20, 2019
This is the sort of thing I would hang on the wall. The beach room has a need for this -- Granpa
- on June 13, 2018
This looks like an egyptian writing. I forget what it is called. Hieroglyphs? Anyway, I don't speak Egyptian but an interesting construct -- Granpa
- on May 30, 2018
Your pharaoh is very interesting. I like what you gave it for the afterlife. It has got me thinking what I would give it from me and can't decide yet. Got team spirit with RAMS logo on hat. -- Linda
- on May 23, 2018
very updated Pharaoh, with a baseball and a pencil for his accompaniment in the afterlife -- Granpa
- on April 26, 2018
Kennedy, this is very interesting. It looks like you were working in metal, some futuristic vision -- Granpa
- on March 14, 2018
Kennedy I really love your most recent art piece. I have always liked stained glass and this looks like it could be made into a stained glass piece. You did such a great job. Linda -- Linda
- on February 14, 2018
This is very cool. It would make an excellent Viking shield -- granpa
- on February 14, 2018
You have drawn a very pretty pattern, Kennedy and I like the colors you have used. -- Linda
- on February 7, 2018
I always like blue and green. -- granpa
- on December 14, 2017
The second I saw this it reminded of a quilt from the story Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt. It looks like something the slaves would have used on the Underground Railroad to escape to freedom. Have you read that story, Kennedy? -- Stacy
- on December 13, 2017
Let's see. A girl is painting a picture, then the picture is a face, then, after all the work, it is time for a nap. OR a grasshopper yearns to find out what is on the other side of the mirror, discovers another grasshopper and they take off together to a place where everything is in flux. -- Granpa
- on November 30, 2017
You did a great job on this Chinese Calligraphy. It is very neat. Do you remember what it says? -- Linda
- on November 22, 2017
All of those line and designs inside of the shapes took a lot of hard work and determination. What a neat piece of art! -- Aunt Stacy
- on November 16, 2017
Wowza! I would love to know what this says. -- Aunt Stacy
- on November 16, 2017
Kennedy, very abstract for a pig, but pretty functional as a mask -- Granpa
- on August 30, 2017
I really like this artwork Kennedy. It looks like you created it with a needle and yarn. I am going to talk to you soon and you can tell me about it. -- Linda
- on May 3, 2017
This could be a table cloth decoration. I like it. very friendly bunny -- granpa
- on April 26, 2017
What a cute little character. I can't quite figure what he is or what he is doing, but I like the drawing. -- Linda
- on March 8, 2017
Was this a Halloween assignment? It is pretty scary. Please tell me about it when we see each other next. -- Linda
- on March 8, 2017
Do you play volley ball at school? Help me remember to set up our net when the weather improves. It will be fun to give it a try. You did a great job with your drawing. -- Linda
- on March 8, 2017
I really like this artwork. I saw it at your home and forget to mention to you how interesting it is. -- Linda
- on March 8, 2017
Did Escher copy you? I was wondering where he got his inspiration. -- Granpa
- on February 20, 2017
OMG! You are standing on that bridge. I LOVE it! -- Stacy
- on November 30, 2016
This is so interesting. I love the different types of lines. They draw my attention to the center shapes. I want to hear more about this. Please tell me! -- Stacy
- on November 30, 2016
Kennedy, Very peaceful background for a wandering colorful trail. -- Granpa
- on November 23, 2016
Hi Kennedy, If I did not comment on this picture, I should have. I love it and the colors you used especially. I really like the color combinations on each section. Love from Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on October 12, 2016
Hi Kennedy, I really like your Fire in the Sky picture posted on Artsonia. I have always like the colors yellow and red. Love from Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on October 12, 2016
I like it -- Joshua
- on October 4, 2016
Kennedy, I know how much you enjoyed this flamingo project. It love the colors you used and the flamingo looks so real! -- Michelle
- on September 19, 2016
Reminds me of Picasso's blue period -- Granpa
- on September 19, 2016
Kennedy, I like this. You are going against the traditional triangle composition, so it kind of traps the eye. Neat. -- Granpa
- on September 19, 2016
I find this very interesting. Did you say this is a wolf? How is it holding up? You must have had a lot of fun in art class this past school year. You created such special pieces. Thanks for sharing them with me. -- Linda
- on June 6, 2016
Hi Kennedy, I really like your color combinations on your Space art. Nature is beautiful by itself, but it would be wonderful to look at the sky at night and she the colors you used it this picture. -- Linda
- on June 6, 2016
Kennedy, very colorful. I have never seen 5 plantets in the sky at one time. -- Granpa
- on June 3, 2016
Kennedy,what a pretty piece of pottery! I'm still enjoying the last little pot you made. Great job! -- Michelle
- on April 13, 2016
Kennedy I really like your clay pot especially the colors. I am anxious to see it for myself soon. -- Linda
- on April 13, 2016
I like your new drawing Kennedy. I especially like the colors you picked. I want to know more about it from you. Love from Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on April 7, 2016
Kennedy, I love how you made the room come to life. It looks like I could walk right in and sit down! Great job! -- Michelle
- on February 18, 2016
I really love this grumpy cat drawing. He looks like Mohamar we had when your Mom was young. Ask her about him. -- Grandma Linda
- on December 19, 2015
Kennedy, I love your drawing of Grumpy Cat. I wish he was real and could be part of our family! -- Michelle
- on December 14, 2015
Kennedy, I like this a good deal. The cat seems expressive. -- Granpa
- on December 14, 2015
I love this one! You really captured Grumpy Cat's personality. -- Cadry
- on December 14, 2015
I love the leaves, Kennedy! They look so real! I can't wait to see them in person when you bring them home. - Mom -- Michelle
- on November 23, 2015
Kennedy, I really like this. -- Granpa
- on November 23, 2015
You did a really good job drawing this leaf. It would really be pretty to have pink leaves on the trees now. Good work. -- Linda
- on November 3, 2015
Great job, Kennedy! Your creativity is astonishing! Keep up the artsiness! :) Love you! -- Darlene
- on October 28, 2015
Kennedy I really like your kitty artwork. I love the colors and your cutout of the kitty is so real looking. Grandma Linda -- Linda
- on October 12, 2015
This is one Hot Dog. I will call him Henry the Hot Dog. Sounds like a song. Henry, the Hot Dog. I am still working on the melody. -- Joshua
- on October 9, 2015
Kennedy, Your artistic talents are impressive. I can't wait to see what you draw or paint next! Hugs, Aunt Darlene -- Darlene
- on May 28, 2015
Kennedy, I like the way you put geometric shapes together. like the colors too -- Granpa
- on May 27, 2015
Is the tree sad? It is a good thing that thing is wiping the trees tears. Why is the tree sad? I am sad. But I am happy for this picture. So many emotions, so little time. -- Joshua
- on May 7, 2015
Kennedy Linda - I would love to climb up to that tree house with you. -- Stacy
- on May 7, 2015
This piece of art really made me think and wonder. I would love to ask the artist more about the picture. -- Aunt Stacy
- on April 1, 2015
This looks like the most delicious goodie I have ever seen! -- Aunt Stacy
- on April 1, 2015
Kennedy, now, I'm hungry -- Granpa
- on January 7, 2015
So cute!! I love the cupcake! -- Cadry
- on December 29, 2014
Kennedy, I really like this one more than the others, although they are all something I like to look at. -- Granpa
- on October 28, 2013
Beautiful picture, Kennedy! That's such a colorful bird! -- Cadry