Jacob27105's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Jacob27105's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Pretty cool, Jacob. We enjoy seeing your artwork! Love, Grandma H.
-- Carole
- on June 3, 2015
Jacob, I really like this! Very nice! Grandma Di Di
-- Diana
- on May 22, 2015
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service thanks you for your participation in the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program
- Colleen (teacher at Rivermont Collegiate) on April 27, 2015
Great job! Love seeing your artwork. This one aptly describes you!! Love you, GC and GG
-- Carole
- on March 13, 2015
Jacob, we didn't see this art work picture until today when the still life bottles came through. It is so much fun seeing all the things you are doing--I'd like to be in your class to try them, too. We really liked the city buildings one. good perspective. It is apparent that you, too, have an eye for art! Hope you are enjoying the class as much as your artwork says you are. Thanks for sharing with us! Love Grandma Carole
-- Carole
- on October 26, 2013
Jacob, this is my favorite so far! I love the way you portrayed the bottles and love the background! Can't wait to see it in person! Grandma Di Di
-- Diana
- on October 26, 2013
Grandma DIDI loves pitch fork. I think you did a great job and I cant wait to see the original! Keep up the good work!
-- Diana
- on September 3, 2013
Thanks for inviting us to see your art work. It's going to be fun to see all that you do this year. This is a tissue pasted collage, but what did you use to write your name? Cool. What about "Imps"; is that a mascot of some sort, or is that a picture of you when you feel like an imp!???! Love you, Grandma Carole
-- Carole
- on September 3, 2013