Aiden this is your most colorful art work yet. I love it! You will have to explain what all the things are. -- Diane
- on February 16, 2016
Very colorful. Your imagination is great. -- Diane
- on December 16, 2015
Loved seeing you wear this turkey on Grandparents' Day. You are precious. -- Diane
- on February 16, 2016
I didn't know you could weave. You are very talented. Good colors. -- Diane
- on February 16, 2016
That is one scary looking fish. You did a good job. -- Diane
- on February 16, 2016
Aiden, this looks like a real Klandinsky! Have you seen the picture called "The Kiss?" It's also by Klandinsky. The next time I see you I'll give you a Klandinsky kiss. Great artwork. Love, Grandma S. -- Diane
- on April 9, 2014
Your trumpet looks so real! I can almost hear the jazz music. Great job! Grandma S. -- Diane
- on December 15, 2013
It sure does look like you. Great job! What are you holding in your hand? Is it your IPad? Love, Grandma S -- Diane
- on December 15, 2013
It sure does look like you. Great job! What are you holding in your hand? Is it your IPad? Love, Grandma -- Diane
- on December 15, 2013
Aiden, this is a GREAT pumpkin! I think you are a fine artist. Grandma -- Diane
- on November 10, 2013
This one is so good that we should frame it! Grandma -- Diane
- on October 23, 2013
I really like this picture Aiden. You are quite the artist!! -- Dad
- on October 19, 2013
Looks just like a wall in an ancient cave. Good job! -- Diane
- on October 23, 2013
Beautiful blue, your favorite color. I love your houseboat. -- Diane
- on October 4, 2013
That's a good looking owl Aiden! -- Jason
- on September 29, 2013
You are becoming quite the artist. Great job using watercolors! I love you. Grandma Swiger -- Diane
- on September 29, 2013
That is one awesome fire truck Aiden! So proud of you. -- Jason
- on September 17, 2013
Beautiful details on your fire truck!
- Colleen (teacher at Rivermont Collegiate) on September 11, 2013
Very good Aiden! Looks like they're almost to the Finish Line. -- Dad