Joshua16290's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Joshua16290's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is really cool!
-- Aunt Stefanie
- on October 31, 2018
-- Aunt Stefanie
- on October 31, 2018
Very Cool Josh!
-- Aunt Stefanie
- on April 18, 2018
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
-- Grandpa
- on January 24, 2018
Cool, Weird looking Alien.
-- Steven
- on January 24, 2018
Joshua always does a nice job with his artwork. He has a good since of color and expresses unique designs. Very imagenitive.
-- Steven
- on January 24, 2018
I love it can't wait to add to the collection! ~mom~
-- Megan
- on April 3, 2017
Love this!!
-- Aunt Stefanie
- on March 29, 2017
Good job Joshua, colors are really cool. All your artwork is really neat, I enjoy looking at them.
-- Steven
- on March 24, 2016
What a wild bird! I Love how colorful your picture is!
-- Danielle
- on October 28, 2015
Your drawings are really nice. Remember on rainy days this summer that you can always practise your artwork.
-- Grandpa Rash
- on November 8, 2015
Nice detail. You are very talented. This would look nice on your wall in the bedroom.
-- Steven
- on November 8, 2015
I like all the colors you used. Very nice job, Josh! :)
-- Danielle
- on November 8, 2015
Beautiful picture. Lines are really straight. Would make a nice stained glass window. Keep up the good work.
-- Steven
- on November 8, 2015
Looks great! Keep up the awesome creating! Love you!
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
Nice clown, Josh. It is fun seeing your artwork.
-- Grandma Connie
- on November 8, 2015
I really like this one. I could put this out in the garden this summer and use it as a scare crow! I love the colors you use.
-- Steven
- on November 8, 2015
Love it... Very neat clown! Love, Aunt Stefanie
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
I love the snowman. You did a great job with the shading. He looks good enough to eat! :)
-- Grandma Connie
- on November 8, 2015
LOVE THIS! So creative! Love, Aunt Stefanie
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
Snow owl in the snow. Good job!
-- Grandma Connie
- on November 8, 2015
Wow! Is that a giant insect? The colors are really bright.
-- Grandpa Rash
- on November 8, 2015
I love Owls!! This is fantastic! Love, Aunt Stefanie
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
I can tell you spent a lot of time on this one! So much to look at. Love it! Love, Aunt Stefanie
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
LOVE THIS! The textures are great!! NICE Job!! Love you, Aunt Stefanie
-- Stefanie
- on November 8, 2015
What a great tree house, Josh! Neat windows. I like the long ladder... looks like it's a long ways up there!
-- Danielle
- on November 8, 2015
I always like the different colors you use. Wish I had a tree like that out here in the country the squirrels and birds would really like it. Keep up the good work!!
-- Grandpa Steven
- on November 8, 2015
Hi, Joshua. I really like your drawings. I like all the colors and the backgrounds are really cool. Kepp up the good work. Garandpa Steven
-- Steven
- on November 8, 2015
Great picture, Josh! That place looks very relaxing and peaceful. I wish I could go there, with you. I can't wait to see your next creation. I love you!
-- Danielle
- on December 14, 2014
Great job, Josh. I really like the leaf.
-- Grandma Connie
- on December 14, 2014
Neat picture, great colors. Does it glow in the dark?
-- Steven
- on December 14, 2014