Zachary12242's Comments (26)

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Below are comments about Zachary12242's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh Yeah! I feel like this sometimes too!!! Almost scary. I love you,
-- Grandma
- on June 13, 2018
Zach this picture is very interesting and really good. I'm so happy to finally get some art work from you to look at. Keep up the good work, Love you,
-- Grandma
- on November 8, 2017
HOLY SMOKES, ZACH..........This is a fabulous painting. You can really see that the duck (or goose, not sure which it is) is flying through the air looking down on the trees, bushes and flowers. I've noticed that a LOT of your pictures have either the sun or the moon in them. I like that. I also like your clouds. keep up the great and talented work! I love you!
-- Grandma
- on February 8, 2017
YIKES !!!!! Don't get me wrong, this is great, it's just like looking in the mirror in the morning!!! FABULOUS and I LOVE you!!!
-- Grams
- on November 8, 2016
Such wonderful colors, very beautiful scroll.........I LOVE it. Love you,
-- Grams
- on August 10, 2016
How in the world did I miss this turtle? It's GREAT! I remember at this time of the year in Illinois the turtles would be crossing the road......sometimes we would have to help them but not if they were snapping turtles. I don't this this guy would snap! Love you!
-- Grams
- on May 23, 2016
WOW, I do like this picture of "amber waves of grain". I can actually see them moving in the wind. Love your work and Love, love you!!!
-- Grams
- on May 23, 2016
What an awesome picture of you, Zachary! GREAT JOB! You are a gifted artist! Love you, Gramma Pam
-- Pam
- on March 14, 2016
Zachary your quilt is fantastic!!!! I understand most of the squares but you will have to tell me about a few of them next time I see you. As usual you have great colors and your drawing is so good they come to life. It looks like you really enjoyed drawing your quilt and I certainly have enjoyed looking at it. Love you so much!!
-- Grams
- on December 9, 2015
-- Judi
- on December 9, 2015
Zach my have done it again, another great painting!!! Your dog is so cute I would like to have to him right here so I could pet him. He has sweet little eyes and I see his tail wagging! What a clever play on the American flag too having a blue dog with red and white stripes behind him. You are so sharp and very smart and I do love looking at your paintings! Love you!!!
-- Grams
- on June 12, 2015
Just wanted to come back to this painting because I miss the about you? It's getting very hot and I would like it to snow this week. I also like your owl and I hope I can find my copy of this picture soon so I can put it back up on my wall. I love you,
-- Grams
- on June 11, 2015
I guess I never left a message about this dragon. He looks very scarry and very friendly both at the same time. The colors are brilliant and very well balanced. You sure put a lot of detail into his tail! I love your artwork and you so much!
-- Grams
- on June 11, 2015
Hi Zach, I saw your neighborhood picture on Artsonia. It looks like a great neighborhood to live in. Looks like your dad just cut the grass! I love you!
-- Grams
- on June 11, 2015
Zach, This is an awesome dragon! I love the bright colors! You did a fantastic job! I look forward to seeing your next piece of artwork! Love you bunches, Grandma Pam
-- Pam
- on February 25, 2015
Cool tree rat.....he's a nutty little guy! Is he looking at me? I also love your BRIGHT sun and whispy clouds!
-- Grams
- on October 4, 2014
Zachary, You did it again! This is very creative! I love the colors and details. I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work! Love you bunches, Grandma Pam
-- Pam
- on June 9, 2014
Hi Zach, Boy is this a great picture......can you get the ants in our house to march along with your ants? I like your fluffy clouds and the big tree too. Fantastic job! I love you!
-- Grams
- on June 7, 2014
Oh my gosh, just get better and better as an artist. This spacious sky painting is wonderful and I will have to have it. You are very talented and I can't wait for your next painting. Don't ever stop. I love you bunches,
-- Grams
- on May 8, 2014
Zach, I love all of your beautiful pictures! You really have some wonderful colors in the sky . . . great job! Love you bunches, Grandma Pam
-- Pam
- on May 8, 2014
I love the colors. You do nice work. Keep up the good job. Love Grandma Sharon
-- Sharon
- on February 18, 2014
You know Zach, I LOVE crabcakes and they are especially good in Maryland! I'm happy your friend, the crab has a nice house to live in because I wouldn't want to eat him! I love the bright colors in this painting, you are a great artist. Love and Kisses
-- Grams
- on February 13, 2014
Loved the drawings. Really good
-- Sharo
- on February 8, 2014
Zachary, This lovely owl is one of my very favorite pictures from you. I have it as an ornament and I just HAD to order it as a picture to hang in my living room too. I love the look on his face. I'm sure he is happy because the sun is shinning on him and keeping him warm in the snow. Love, Grandma
-- Grammy
- on January 18, 2014
Zachary, WOW look at those snowflakes, they are very beautiful. I love your yellow jacket and I am thinking that is actually you walking in the snow. You look very happy and look like you are enjoying the snow. Keep all this wonderful artwork coming, I enjoy every one of them. Love, Grandma
-- Grammy
- on January 18, 2014
Zachary, It sure is a snowy day in that city. Your colorful buildings and falling snow make me happy. You are a great artist. Love, Grandma
-- Nancy
- on December 22, 2013