Julianna1221's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Julianna1221's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful! Grandpa and I just received the mugs with your art work on them. They're fantastic, we have new favorite coffee mugs to drink our coffee now. Keep up the good work, you are very talented. Love and miss you, XXXOOO
-- Granny & Grandpa
- on November 22, 2013
I love seeing how creative and talented you are.
-- Becky
- on September 18, 2013
This is Awesome Julianna!!! Keep up the good work....someday I hope to do an art project with you xo
-- Nicky
- on September 17, 2013
BEAUTIFUL job, Missy Moo!
-- Mama
- on September 14, 2013
What a super duper job, Julianna! You absolutely have artistic talent. I look forward to more postings of your ART work. Love you barrels and barrels. XOXO Nanny
- on September 12, 2013
This is AWESOME sweetheart! GREAT Job!
-- Serge
- on September 12, 2013