Landon3664's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Landon3664's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I think it's great! Good job, buddy.
-- Chey Anne
- on September 23, 2018
Great job Landon!! I Love this one????
-- Lisa
- on June 27, 2018
This is AWESOME!! I love it????
-- Lisa
- on December 14, 2016
I really love the orange in this piece, it stands out and is loud! This picture says a lot and I love looking at it!! Great job Landon!!
-- Lisa
- on December 14, 2016
Great work grandson!! I love this portrait, and I cannot wait to see what is next! I love you.
-- Gma Lisa
- on September 8, 2015
I really love all the colors Landon and this is a great drawing of the statue of liberty!!
-- Lisa
- on May 5, 2015
Nice work Landon!! I really enjoy looking at all your art!! Thank you and keep up the good work grandson
-- Lisa
- on May 5, 2015
WoW!!! This is great artwork Landon, you are an artist and have great ideas!! Keep up the good work!!??
-- Gma Lisa
- on April 16, 2015
I LOVE your fish drawing! It's so perfect. Keep up the good work, buddy!! :-)
- on April 13, 2015
I love your artwork! You have done such an amazing job with art! Keep up the good work, buddy.
-- Chey Anne
- on March 19, 2015