Ruger22's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Ruger22's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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We love your artwork!! Great!!!
-- Dobo
- on November 17, 2015
You've done such a nice job on this!
-- Lori
- on November 16, 2015
You are growing so much as an artist! I am so proud of you!
-- Lori
- on November 16, 2015
Hi Ruger! Your artwork is amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us. Keep up the great work! We love you! Pap & Gram m.
-- Dobo
- on March 16, 2015
I love the colors in this piece!
-- Lori
- on March 16, 2015
-- Dobo
- on March 9, 2015
Hi Ruger. Pap & I saw your artwork. It is amazing! Thank you fir sharing it with us. WE LOVE YOU!! Pap & Gram
-- Dobo
- on February 11, 2015
cutest penguin in the world!!!!
- on December 12, 2014
This is the most beautiful leave!
-- Lori-Mom
- on December 12, 2014
VERY COOL RUGER! we love you! pap & gram
-- donna
- on September 22, 2014
-- dobo
- on September 12, 2014
-- dobo
- on September 12, 2014
AWESOME ART RUGER!! love all of it!!! Pap & Gram M
-- donna
- on September 12, 2014
Hi Ruger. Your pictures are wonderful! Thank you for sharing them with us. We love you. Pap & Gram
-- dobo
- on September 12, 2014