William10713's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about William10713's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like it!
- Gma C on April 19, 2023
My favorite. Still have it framed and hanging in the living room.
- Kylie (Mother) on October 19, 2022
Interesting. It took me awhile, because I haven't played cards for a long time!
- Grandma Carol on October 19, 2022
Rather Halloweenish. Cat in upper right?
- Grandpa on October 5, 2022
Wow! William! I love it!!! You did an amazing job on this one!
-- Gram Carol
- on April 17, 2019
Great work, William! I love the blue designs and the boldness of the yellow and black in the eye!
-- Grandma Carol
- on April 3, 2019
Hey, great job William!!
-- Papa
- on February 21, 2016