Excellent effort!! You are showing terrific potential. Be sure to practice at home! Bring in your awesome artwork you make at home to display in my Masterpiece Gallery! Also, don't forget the art room is open Monday and Wednesday at 7:40 for those students who want to do a little extra.
- Karen (teacher at Mt. Vernon Intermediate School 3-5) on September 12, 2016
Love the spooky cat! I like how you used the light on the fence posts. -- Aunt Bethany
- on November 2, 2013
Another great piece of artwork! I love the way the cat's hair stands up on his back and his tail. -- Sarah
- on November 2, 2013
I love all the colors and texture! What a great piece of art! -- Sarah
- on November 1, 2013
I want this in my house. You did awesome! -- Aunt Bethany