Lillian2252's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Lillian2252's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Lillian's art pieces are excellent. I hope she continues her work in that field as she gets older!!!
-- Elaine
- on November 13, 2015
So pretty!
-- Erin
- on November 13, 2015
Wow, Lillian - that is awesome!
- on April 29, 2015
Nice work, Lillian! It turned out GREAT!! Mom
- on April 9, 2015
Lillian, your Mom liked to draw when she was your age and I am glad you do also. Keep up your good art work!!! Grandma Elaine
-- Gma Elaine
- on April 9, 2015
Wow Lillian - awesome!!
-- Mom
- on May 13, 2014
Lillian, you get better all the time. Keep up your good work!!!
-- Grandma Elaine
- on May 7, 2014
Wow, Boo! I can tell you worked really hard on this one. Nice Job!!
-- Mom
- on January 31, 2014
Awesome picture Lillian!! :)
-- Michele
- on January 30, 2014
Grandma Elaine likes all your art pieces, Lillian!! The one on this page is AWESOME!! Wonder if you would create a picture for GGGA sometime?? My refrigerator could use a new one of your creations!!
-- Elaine
- on December 16, 2013
Lillian - Don't forget that you said I will get some artwork for Christmas! I will put it up in my apartment! :) Love you tons!! Aunt M~
-- Michele
- on December 16, 2013
Love this Lillian! I think this one is my favorite! :) Love you! Aunt M~
-- Michele
- on November 19, 2013
WOW Lillian, these really are nice pieces of artwork you have done. Keep up your good work!!! Gma Elaine is proud of you and loves you!!!
-- Gma Elaine
- on November 19, 2013
Wow, Lillian~ that is awesome!!
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2013
Love it! I hope I get some artwork as a Christmas present! (hint hint). Love u Lilli! Aunt M~
-- Michele
- on November 1, 2013
Wow Lilli! You are a great artist! Can't wait to see more! Love you! Aunt M~
-- Michele
- on September 24, 2013
Miss Lillian... this is sooooooooo cool. You are an amazing artist.
-- Aunt Mary
- on October 2, 2013
Lillian, you're the best artist ever! I love your artwork and I love you very much!
-- erin
- on September 20, 2013
Nice job, Lillian. I love it!
-- Mom
- on September 17, 2013