Jacob26413's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Jacob26413's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jake: Really cool. I especially like the shape you cut out, not your typical square or circle - very creative! It is wonderful to see you using your imagination. Love, Grandma Maggie
-- Maggie
- on June 3, 2015
Jake: Once again, you have done an outstanding drawing. The coloring and veins are so life-like. Looks like snow is on the way so this may be the last leaf I see in awhile. Love you, Grandma Maggie
-- Margaret
- on June 3, 2015
Jake: Looks like you are off to another great school year. Your pumpkin definitely puts me in the mood for Halloween. I love the jagged teeth and the scary eyes - you have created one sinister pumpkin! Have fun trick-or-treating, be safe. Love, Grandma Maggie
-- Margaret
- on June 3, 2015
Jake: What a beautiful drawing. My favorite is the bald eagle. Your attention to detail is amazing, I especially like the feather tails, talons and beaks. I can't wait for your next masterpiece. Love Grandma Maggie.
-- Margaret
- on May 28, 2014
Outstanding job Jake! I especially like the way you mixed red and orange in the tree leaves. Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more. Grandma Maggie
-- Maggie
- on January 15, 2014