Now that is a cute cabine and I think a garage on the side! -- grandma & grandpa
- on May 24, 2018
Looks just like you! -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on March 14, 2018
We love your art work~!~ -- Grandma and Grandpa
- on March 14, 2018
I will need more picture frames! And more wall space to put them! Thanks! -- Grandma Karen
- on December 27, 2017
You are AWESOME~!~ -- Henny
- on December 6, 2017
you did very well on that photo sweet heart -Hennie -- Hennie
- on June 7, 2017
WOW Gracie, Your art work is the googly eyes. Love YOU, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle JP -- Henny
- on May 24, 2017
Gracie: I absolutely love this, it sort of looks like you. One thing that really catches my eye is the shadow, it makes this drawing almost look like 3-D As always, I am very proud of you. -- Papa
- on May 17, 2017
Gracie: I like the silhouette of the you included in this picture. I have a feeling I know who that may be. I love this, good job. -- Papa
- on March 22, 2017
You are getting to be quite the artiste!! Love you! Grandma~!~ -- Henny
- on March 22, 2017
That looks like crystals or tall buildings? Good work Grace! -- Henny
- on February 1, 2017
Gracie: I just love how you used your colors to make them brighter and more vivid. Using black as your background really made the other colors jump right off the page. GREAT JOB. I am very proud of you. -- Papa
- on February 1, 2017
Have to go shopping for another frame for my wall of art. Or I may put this picture in my kitchen since it is hot chocolate. Love the colors, and the marshmallows! Love Grandma Hart -- Karen