TS123's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about TS123's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like all the colors you put on you duck its beautiful!! I think its very uniqe! All the colors you put on there makes it pop out!!
-- josey
- on November 20, 2013
I love how you have tons of movement and you look as if you're really walking up thos stairs! Also, your stairs look so correct and actaully like stairs the correct shape and everything! You made the stairs look like they actually have texture, like you can really feel the way they would feel! Your really good!
-- Alexis
- on November 14, 2013
Amazing! I like how the colors go along with the theme very well.
-- --Ally
- on November 14, 2013
-- Cameron
- on October 29, 2013
Those shoes are super cute and their shape is perfect! I love texture of the stairs too!
-- Hallie
- on October 29, 2013
Very realistic. good job shading. very cool!
-- Jayda
- on October 29, 2013
ts123 thare is a lot of detail and color to this this is something i would hang on my wall good work!!!!
-- deven
- on October 29, 2013
Great detail! good shading and shapes
-- Wyatt
- on October 29, 2013
I really like the layout of your picture! It is very creative! Nice work on the shading:)
-- Angela
- on October 29, 2013
cool I like how real it looks.
-- Matthew
- on October 29, 2013
your art is cool. i like that the person is going up the stairs
-- avery
- on October 29, 2013