Hmmmm, I wonder if I can eat you up. -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Ooooh a coral...... hmmmmmm.. I wonder how it tastes? -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
In the eyes of the fish....They don't like to be they hide where they can be hidden -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Kelp!!!! These fish are attacking me. AHHHHHH!!!! -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Peek-a-boo, I do believe I sea I strange creature.....heehehhehe.. sea what I did there?? *wink wink* *nudge nudge* -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Do you think if I swim really far that I can find the "treasure?" I like your drawings... *winks* -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Hmm, did you know that if you cut off my arm, it regenerates.....You can't kill me....muahahahahha. I like stars. >_< -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Swim, Swim, Swim, must swim till I get to the top. >_< -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
Heyyyy, did you know that red and yellow makes orange, all the three colors that you used, I like dah fish even though I don't know what kind it is. >_< -- Dhanwantie
- on June 7, 2013
This is too cute -- Isabelle
- on June 7, 2013
This is the cutest little scene I've seen on a collage yet! You drew the water quite nicely! -- Chynna
- on June 7, 2013
word -- mark
- on May 31, 2013
goooggogogogoggoowdodnfgndkndg -- mark
- on May 31, 2013
Heyyyyy, psssssstttt, heyyyyy there...... Im talking to you........ How YOU doing?!?!!! -- Dhanwantie
- on May 31, 2013
I like the way you color it, it looks so nice -- Sharmin