This is the best pencil drawing I have ever done. I don't know how I got it but I did it all on my own. This time I sat the right way and kept my eye on the subject that I had torn out of a magazine so it did not move. I concentrated on the shapes, the lines and where they were going. It paid off and only took me about a block. I am so proud because it is the first drawing that looks like the actual subject. -- Wayne
- on December 28, 2013
I like the simplicity of your Pepsi Pop Art bottle. Your lines are very clean and your colors are perfect. -- Sismai
- on December 24, 2013
I see that you did not leave lots of blank space so you tried to employ the elements and principles in this simplistic problem of the Pepsi subject matter.
- Irene (teacher at Orange Preparatory Academy) on November 17, 2013