Cadence444's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Cadence444's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Cadie....Really love your art work. Keep working on it and with each piece you will improve and soneday will be a great artist. By the way.... I really love you too. Grandma
-- lottie
- on October 28, 2014
I was looking through the slide presentation of Cadence's art (before reading the information) and immediately recognized her tribute to Van Gogh's "The Starry Night". This certainly shows that the artist is successfully conveying her vision to a viewer.
-- Marko-Michael
- on October 28, 2014
HI Cadence, Your art is very exciting to see. I like your color choices and the style you create in your art work. Each piece shows how much you are improving in depth and composition. Your snow plow is in motion, hard at work.
-- June
- on April 10, 2014
I enjoyed your Snowplow picture very much. Is that your school? You created lots of snow and made winter feel good. Thank you. Looking forward to seeing more of your artwork. Great Job!
-- June
- on April 9, 2014
Hi Cadence, Nice job on your artwork, I wear a hat just like the one in your Winter Hat work and your spider is exactly how I feel about spiders. Keep up the excellent work. You are so creative and your color choices make your artwork so expressive.
-- June
- on June 13, 2013
Very nice Candence, This is a well thought out design with good balance of light and dark. Keep on creating art, it is one of the most satisfying and joyful ways to use your skills and imagination. June
-- June
- on February 4, 2013