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Allison6196's Comments
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Below are comments about Allison6196's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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WOW! This is one of the best lighthouse paintings in all of 2nd grade.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on November 21, 2014
Love the colors you used.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on November 21, 2014
Terrific eagle drawing.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on November 21, 2014
Wonderful drawing!
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on May 14, 2014
Great job!
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on May 14, 2014
Terrific job on your racoon drawing.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on May 14, 2014
Love your pattern, the red nose is funny and it gives you a place to focus on.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on March 4, 2014
Terrific work.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on January 24, 2014
Awesome job on your painting.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on January 24, 2014
I love the shapes you made for pumpkins!
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on December 11, 2013
What a great germ you created! Mrs. P
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on September 16, 2013
What a happy group of penguins you created.
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on April 25, 2013
Great job on your spider picture. Your details really make this spider interesting to look at!
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on December 27, 2012
You have created a very exciting picture of fireworks over the roof top! Mrs. Pechacek
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on November 17, 2012
Wow, you did a great job creating characters out of these basic shapes. Mrs. Pechacek
- Susan (teacher at North Smyrna Elementary School) on November 17, 2012