I love this piece. Neat swirls and I like the shadow of the robot. -- John
- on June 14, 2013
Wow, that looks great, Jake! -- Erin
- on June 14, 2013
Wow those socks are cool. I really see the resemblance to Rhinos and Sharks. Nice Job. Dad -- Dad
- on April 23, 2013
Nice job Jacob. The necklace is beautiful. Your hard work paid off. -- Dad
- on April 23, 2013
Nice job Jacob. Everything is better with spikes. I bet creating the pattern was difficult. -Dad -- Dad
- on April 18, 2013
I love the use of color in this beautiful necklace. -- Mom
- on April 18, 2013
Wow, Jacob. This is beautiful! You did a great job. I'm sure drawing it first wasn't as much fun as sponging the paint, but your hard work and planning paid off in a beautiful piece. Love you much...Aunt Robin. -- Robin