Joshua14393's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Joshua14393's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What does this guy have on his tongue? It looks like he's been eating a bunch of black, gloppity goop? Yum!
-- Mrs. O
- on May 14, 2014
Great drawing Joshua! I hope you enjoyed drawing this. I love the smoke coming out of his robot shoes.
-- Mrs. O
- on March 12, 2014
I like your flying robot
-- Dylan
- on March 12, 2014
Awwww. So sweet little owl babies.
-- Mrs. O
- on January 10, 2013
Joshua! I'm very proud of your artwork! You are working so hard on something that is difficult for you. Wow! I think you have a wonderful art teacher who encourages you to always do your best and lets you know your artwork is great.
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2012
Wow Joshua! You are a doing a great job with your artwork. I am so glad you are in my art class. Keep up the good work!
-- Mrs. O
- on November 14, 2012