Aniyah123's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Aniyah123's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the color patterns
-- DeVonne
- on March 19, 2014
This is a great expression Aniyah. You arer destined for great things. I am so proud of you.
-- DeVonne
- on March 19, 2014
Good Job, Niyah! Little artist you are :)
-- Tenise
- on March 19, 2014
Hi Aniyah, Even though this art work is suppose to be a ugly jug, I think it looks really nice! I really like it! Keep up the good work! You are very talented!
-- Mommy
- on March 19, 2014
Aniyah you have always had a love for art. I pray that your expressions, creativity, & imaginations in your art continue to inspire you in the years to come. The lanscape piece is beautiful and I will be looking for more pieces to come. I am so proud of YOU!
-- DeVonne
- on November 12, 2012
This looks like a very exciting show. Keep up the good work! Love you :)
-- Kiam
- on November 12, 2012
Wonunderful job Aniyah! Your art work is beautiful, keep up the good work.
-- Kiam
- on November 12, 2012
An artist has been born! This piece should be in an auction. I'll start the bidding at $500,000.
-- Akil
- on November 9, 2012
I really like this one. Very creative!!!
-- Akil
- on November 9, 2012
Great job Niyah this is a nice drawing!!! You keep this is up you will be a professional artist soon!!! Fabulous work!!! Love ya :)
-- Tenise
- on November 9, 2012
I love the colors!!! You are so talented Niyah!!!!! Love ya keep up the good work :)
-- Tenise
- on November 9, 2012
Great job Aniyah! Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to seeing your next masterpiece.
-- Akil
- on November 9, 2012
Good job Aniyah, Kameron and I love your color choices.
-- Nina
- on November 9, 2012
I want to go to the show. This is reaalllly nice Aniyah. I love it. Make me one.
-- Auntie
- on November 9, 2012
OMG Aniyah this is AMAZING!!! You are a STAR
-- Auntie
- on November 9, 2012
Wow! Looks like a very good show! This is a perfect picture Aniyah! You are so talented! Love you! -Mommy
-- Mommy
- on November 9, 2012
Great job Niyah! I love it!!
-- Tenise
- on November 9, 2012
So the vibrant color of your bird! Keep up the good work! Love you!
-- Mommy
- on November 9, 2012
Aniyah you are soo talented and this is a beautiful painting. I love you baby ~Auntie
-- Muff
- on November 9, 2012
Go Aniyah!! I love it, so beautiful.
-- Ms.Maya :)
- on November 9, 2012
Great Job Aniyah! Your art work is beautiful! I will keep this forever! Love you, Mommy
-- Mommy
- on November 9, 2012