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Isabella6659's Comments
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Below are comments about Isabella6659's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job!
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
This was one of my favorite projects. Even though its so simple. It has great artistic value.
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
You ran out of time working on the water. But the artwork its a fine piece. You should be proud of it.
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
You really got this project. Took you longer than the rest but the quality shows and you took time working on details good job.
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
This is a very good piece of art. Will look really good in your living room or bedroom. Its AWESOME!
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
Good Job working on the different techniques of watercolor. Next year in Middle school we will have 14 different techniques to learn. Good start
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
Nice colors! really bright and vivid. Love your Art you keep getting better each day. Keep it up you have a natural talent.
- Ivan (teacher at Pettis Co. Elementary School) on March 5, 2014
hi,it's me maribel i love yours.
-- maribel
- on March 6, 2014
OMG its so good i love it Isbella HEEEEE LOL
-- Megan
- on March 6, 2014