Ryan18381's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Ryan18381's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job as usual! That is one big fish. Looking forward to seeing some fish is block island with you!!! Love Auntie
-- Michelle
- on April 8, 2015
Great looking grenade bug! Or is it a lady bug? Good job buddy!! Keep up the good work, every piece of art work seems to get better.
-- Michelle
- on March 27, 2015
This is awesome buddy! Your pictures keep getting better and better.
-- Michelle
- on October 29, 2014
Wonderful use of color! I really liked the purple especially!
-- Michelle
- on October 29, 2014
Good job Ry! Is this koala, in a tree in Australia?
-- Michelle
- on October 29, 2014
Nice underwater scene! It reminds me of Hawaii, when I swam with a turtle. Great job, buddy!
-- Michelle
- on October 29, 2014
Great job Ryan! Your picture looks awesome :)
-- Michelle
- on October 11, 2014