Alexander6854's Comments (27)

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Below are comments about Alexander6854's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Alexander! This looks like something that is made of leather with the design carved into it!! GrandMa!
-- Pat
- on February 22, 2017
Lovely cave drawing...Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
Toucan! So many it! Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
These buildings are so full of character!! Love it! Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
This cardinal is wonderful...I love the face and outstretched wings! Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
Hmmm...looks good enough to eat!! Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
I want to drive this truck around town! awesome job! Love mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
I love the colors and bold outlines! Really catches the mom
-- Suzan
- on June 15, 2016
This is great!!
-- Suzanne
- on June 15, 2016
Very nice picture of a toucan...looks a lot like the one on the Froot Loops box! Maybe we can make a craft project out of it. It would look good on a pillow form, wouldn't it? Love & kisses.
-- Pat
- on June 15, 2016
Good job with the cardinal bird! I saw several in our yard during the snow. Did you see any? See you soon. Love from GrandMa.
-- Pat
- on June 15, 2016
Great job, snowman! Maybe we'll get to build one later this winter! Love GrandMa
-- Pat
- on June 15, 2016
Wow! That is beautiful!!
-- Terry
- on November 12, 2014
Love your peacock! He looks a little sleepy but has some very nice feathers. This design would look good on a shirt or as a painting.
-- GrandMa
- on October 23, 2014
I think this is one of my favorites: a self-portrait! Good job!!
-- Pat
- on October 23, 2014
Love it!
-- suzie
- on March 26, 2014
What a beautiful butterfly…
-- Nathan
- on February 20, 2013
this would make a great Christmas card! I love it!!
-- GrandMa
- on November 13, 2012
Hello Alexander, thank you so much for sharing your artwork with me. I'll be seeing you at Kathy and Donnie's for Halloween. Ann
-- Ann
- on October 15, 2012
Hey Aexander your artwork is very good and quite creatite. Thanks for showing the peice you did of me as a pumkin!
-- Nathan
- on October 13, 2012
Love the title!
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
a stunning portrait of Nathan!
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
This was a nice drawing for Miss terry...she loved it and it will always remind her of you!
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
I wonder if he ever found his orange?
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
This was a fun project!
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012
What a fantastic drawing! I love the colors and the BIG hands!
-- Suzie
- on October 11, 2012