Hanna1467's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Hanna1467's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Hanna the color combination in this leaf is spectacular. This is your best work, I believe, so far. You and Addison are both painting so well. You both are becoming accomplished artists. You have alot to be proud of Hanna. Keep up the great job. Isn't painting fun? I always have believed one can express themselves in their artistry, whatever it may be. Love, hugs, and kisses, Grandma Ciann H.
-- Ciann
- on November 18, 2015
Great artwork Hanna. Love those eyes and nose. LOL! Keep up the good work and for letting me see them since I am not there. Love you always.
-- Grandma H.
- on October 16, 2015
Well Hanna, you've gone and done it again. Painted another absolutely spectacular painting. I just love it. Those birds are precious. Thanks for sharing it with your grandma. It's just what I needed to see today. Love as always, with lots of hugs and kisses. And kisses and hugs to your sweet sister, and mommy. and daddy, also.
-- Ciann
- on February 7, 2015
Dear Precious, Sweet. Adorable, and Smart Hanna, I love your newest work of art. Thank you so much for letting me see all your beautiful art work that you make at school. Keep up the great art work, and I will see you soon. Love, as always, Grandma H.
-- Grandma H.
- on November 17, 2014
Oh dear, sweet, Hanna. Another beautiful picture for all to see. Love the colors that you chose. Keep the pictures coming. I enjoy looking at all of them. Love and kisses to my grandbaby. Grandma misses you.
-- Grandma H.
- on February 18, 2014
Oh Hanna, What an absolutely beautiful picture. This one, is my most favorite so far. You did a fantastic job. What artistic flare and color. Keep up the good art work. Love you, and miss you, Grandma
-- Ciann
- on January 30, 2014
Hello Sweet, Lovable, Hanna, Just viewed your landscape picture, and it is wonderful. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Love, hugs, and kisses always. Grandma H.
-- Ciann
- on October 24, 2013
Dear Sweet, Precious, Miss Hanna, I love all your paintings. You did a really good job. I can tell you took alot of time, and patience, painting these. They will be viewed by many, and they will like them also. You are very talented, and imaginative. Keep up the great work, for I will be following your website, okay? Love, Hugs, and Kisses, Grandma H
- on March 3, 2013