James11174's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about James11174's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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James - this is very beautiful! You did a wonderful job making it so realistic!!
-- Grammy
- on December 3, 2013
Buddy - I love this! It looks like a "real" artist did this - love the shapes! Good job, honey!
-- Grammy
- on February 20, 2013
James, this could be my favorite of all your paintings so far! I just LOVE it! Good job, Buddy!!!! xoxoxoxo
-- Grammy
- on February 6, 2013
Great job, James!! Awesome colors and your work is very neat! xo ~Steph ( Sesame)
-- Steph
- on December 12, 2012
James! OMG! This is your best painting EVER!!!! I love the colors, and you painted the snowmen perfectly! Good Job!!!!!
-- Grammy
- on December 12, 2012
James, I LOVE both your paintings! The colors are bright and beautiful! You did a great job, Buddy!!!
-- Grammy
- on November 26, 2012
Love this picture - the colors are great!! ":)
-- Crissy
- on November 23, 2012