Zaacharie1's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Zaacharie1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job my hito! Autie, Uncle and cousins are all so proud of you! Love ya lots! :)
-- Tara
- on April 8, 2014
Zaac---this is a WONDERFUL art piece! Thank you for telling Mommy that it is a shark using warm and cool colors. Dr. Seuss would have liked this! I love you!
-- Gena
- on April 8, 2014
I am so proud of my son, you are the light of my life.
-- Trey
- on March 23, 2014
GREAT Job Zaac! Momma and Daddy are soooooo proud of you! This is totally awesome!
-- Gena
- on February 23, 2014