Your still life is amamzing! I love your colors and the details in the vase show artistic and creative abillity and that you like books!! Keep making beautiful paintings.
- Helene (teacher at William Meredith School) on March 30, 2014
I love your art work!! You made an amazing portrait collage!!! Your details around your portrait are wonderful!!
- Helene (teacher at William Meredith School) on November 25, 2013
Ruby, this is a wonderful drawing. Your flowers are all different shapes and sizes growing straight up to the sun and i love how you used lots of beautiful colors to make your drawing look amazing. I think it's an A+. Keep up the great art!!!
- Helene (teacher at William Meredith School) on June 3, 2013
You sure mixed your colors up!! Great Job and they look beautiful!!!
- Helene (teacher at William Meredith School) on January 27, 2013
Wonderful first drawing in the art room!! Keep making great art!!!
- Helene (teacher at William Meredith School) on January 27, 2013