Kamron184's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Kamron184's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like the circle windows on the roof.
- Jessica (teacher at Northeast Vernon Co. R-I Elementary School) on May 16, 2013
For being just in pre-kindergarden Kamron is doing a very good job on his pictures. I am very proud of him.
-- Linda
- on February 27, 2013
Everyone did such a good job on their flower prints. I was surprised at how well each student cut out his or her own petals and center circle to make their printing plates. Students also did a wonderful job at not mixing the paint colors together when using two different colors for the middle of the flower and the petals. They also did so well on cleaning their plates before changing colors and not getting muddy prints.
- Jessica (teacher at Northeast Vernon Co. R-I Elementary School) on February 18, 2013
Everyone did such a good job on their flower prints. I was surprised at how well each student cut out his or her own petals and center circle to make their printing plates. Students also did a wonderful job at not mixing the paint colors together when using two different colors for the middle of the flower and the petals. They also did so well on cleaning their plates before changing colors and not getting muddy prints.
- Jessica (teacher at Northeast Vernon Co. R-I Elementary School) on February 18, 2013
Everyone did such a good job on their flower prints. I was surprised at how well each student cut out his or her own petals and center circle to make their printing plates. Students also did a wonderful job at not mixing the paint colors together when using two different colors for the middle of the flower and the petals. They also did so well on cleaning their plates before changing colors and not getting muddy prints.
- Jessica (teacher at Northeast Vernon Co. R-I Elementary School) on February 18, 2013