- Abel (teacher at Verner Elementary) on November 19, 2012
can not decide which on i like the best ,, the pollark marble , would look great in my living room msms linda -- linda
- on November 8, 2012
spence !!!! i love your pictures , love the deep colors you chose to work with. love mama linda -- linda
- on November 8, 2012
Spence, I thoroughly enjoyed viewing your art on line. You are really very talented! Thank you for sharing your art with me. It really made my day! -- Sarah
- on November 8, 2012
Spence! This picture is amazing! I would love to hang it in my house. You have a real talent, I'm very impressed. Love, JuJu -- Julia
- on November 8, 2012
Spence! I absolutely love your two fish and your "Jackson pollack" painting! The JP looks like it belongs in the Museum of modern art in New York! I also love the "two faced" fish. You are so creative! -- Walton
- on November 7, 2012
Wow Spence that looks great! Can I purchase it from you? If so how much? -- Beth
- on November 7, 2012
Great work!!
- Abel (teacher at Verner Elementary) on October 12, 2012