If I had a nickel for every car that was drawn here, I'd be able to buy a candy bar. -- Maxwell
- on April 29, 2013
Sweet Rave Cube. Good job. -- Maxwell
- on April 29, 2013
Nice drawing, but why is the heart on fire. I guess you drew HEARTBURN (Nayrman214: Boo)! Good job with drawing a heart that is on fire. Keep up the good work. -- Maxwell
- on April 27, 2013
It's a heart, and it's on fire. I guess you drew a good picture of a heartburn (Chuggaaconroy is laughing while Nayrman214 is going "Boo" at the horrible pun). Still, good illustration of heartburn, but why did you draw a burning heart? -- Maxwell
- on April 27, 2013
hot burning heart -- sadman
- on April 27, 2013
angry eskalaton -- sadman
- on April 26, 2013
Now that is what I call school spirit. Good work. -- Maxwell
- on April 27, 2013
i like -- hjh
- on April 22, 2013
looks like you school -- sadman
- on April 19, 2013
woh wonderfull -- sadman
- on April 19, 2013
nice smiling sun -- sadman
- on April 19, 2013
fly plane -- sadman
- on April 22, 2013
nice spider net -- sadman
- on April 22, 2013
beautiful senary -- sadman
- on April 10, 2013
great job ........... -- mohammed357
- on April 10, 2013
nice skatch -- sadman
- on April 10, 2013
red star thats the sigh of violence -- sadman
- on April 10, 2013
NICE !! -- kurttia
- on April 10, 2013
beautifull ballon -- sadman
- on April 10, 2013
i like this -- tia
- on April 10, 2013
beautiful plain -- sadmab
- on April 10, 2013
Why does the sun need sunglasses? Nice drawing though. -- Maxwell
- on April 10, 2013
smiling sun -- sadmab
- on April 10, 2013
nice flag -- sadmab
- on April 10, 2013
Nice car drawing. What's wrong with the wheel, though? -- Maxwell
- on April 10, 2013
nice car -- sadmab
- on April 10, 2013
I like how the colors used are vivid and bright. -- Jada