Blake5270's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Blake5270's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job Blake. Did you give spongebob a makeover? Love it!
-- Aunt Robin
- on February 8, 2017
Wow, that's just awesome! Love, Grandma in Utah
-- Diane
- on January 31, 2017
-- Grandpa Gary
- on January 31, 2017
Blake is not quite yet 8 and is already a better artist than his dad (me) ever will be. Great job son!
-- Jason
- on January 31, 2017
Awesome, your very talented. Keep up the good work.
-- Diane
- on May 5, 2015
Excellent work Blake
-- Grandpa Gary
- on May 5, 2015
Blake, that is a very nice looking piece of art! You do such wonderful work. Keep it up. Love you
-- Diane
- on May 5, 2015
That is just awesome. I love all your artwork. Keep up the great job!
-- Diane
- on February 25, 2015
I love it! Flowers are one of my favorite things and this one is a beauty, great job. Love you
-- Diane
- on October 20, 2014
That is so cool! I think this is my favorite fish so far, Love you
-- Diane
- on October 17, 2013
Oh what a cool looking owl. I love him, keep up the good work. Love you Grandma in Utah
-- Grandma
- on September 11, 2013
What an awesome fish, you really did a good job on this one! Love you, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on September 11, 2013
Blake, I think your cupcakes look good enough to eat! You are a very good artist and I 'm sure this talent will be useful throughout your life. I love you so much and am very proud of your artwork. Thank you for sharing it with me because I live so far away from you now I just love it when I get to see these things. Thank you , Thank you
-- Diane
- on September 11, 2013
I love your mittens. Those are some of the nicest looking mittens I've ever seen. Keep up the good work!
-- Diane
- on December 19, 2012
Great Job Blake. Now if you could sew you could make me a pair to wear. Very cool :)
-- Auntie Robin
- on December 19, 2012
Blake you have an amazing imagination. so pretty:) Can't wait for your to show me some more artwork :) Love you and miss you!:)
-- Robin
- on November 13, 2012
Wow!!! thats a greart snowman Blake
-- Gary
- on November 12, 2012
That is the coolist snowman I've seen in a very long time! That will look so nice in your house for a holiday decoration. Good job!! Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma
-- Diane
- on November 12, 2012
Blake, that is a very nice Fall tree. I love the Fall. Did you use your hand in this picture. Wow, it's very , very nice. Looks like some of the leaves are falling off the tree. Winter will be here soon.
-- Diane
- on October 8, 2012
Well done Blake it reminds me of Fall
-- Gary
- on November 12, 2012
Wow, Blake that has to be one of the nicest Sun's I've ever seen. I can't wait to see more. Thank you. Love you a bunch, Grandma in South Carolina
-- Diane
- on October 3, 2012
Blake, Your work is very cheerful and it reminds me of the great artist Picasso. I'm very proud of you.
-- Grandpa
- on October 4, 2012