Carson3072's Comments (67)

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Below are comments about Carson3072's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work buddy! Mom is so proud of you!
-- Cheyanne
- on April 14, 2014
Carson, that is a great painting! Greats colors! Just love it!
-- Mama Wanda
- on April 10, 2014
Great Job Buddy, keep it up. I love you.
-- Daddy
- on April 10, 2014
Carson love the Kitty picture it is fantastic!!
-- Mama Wanda
- on March 5, 2014
Wow Carson, that looks amazing you are such an artist!! I love You and keep up the good work.
-- Daddy
- on February 19, 2014
That's a good bear, Carson. He's so fuzzy and cute! Good job. Suzanne and Ray
-- Suzanne
- on February 4, 2014
Love your polar bear! He's so adorable!
-- Mama Wanda
- on February 4, 2014
That is an awesome job buddy, I am so proud of you. Keep up the great work. LOVE YOU!!
-- Jan Ramos
- on February 4, 2014
Carson, that is truly a piece of art work. Mommy Is so proud of you. ! Love you!
-- Cheyanne
- on January 30, 2014
Carson that is such a cool dude! Love his crazy hair!
-- Mama Wanda
- on January 28, 2014
Excellent work buddy! I love you!
-- Cheyanne
- on January 20, 2014
WoW Carson, awesome Job!!!! keep up the great work. Love you.
-- Jan
- on January 20, 2014
Cool, Carson -- I wish I had a scarf like this!
-- Suzanne
- on December 25, 2013
I love this painting!
-- Mama Wanda
- on December 13, 2013
Carson mommy is so proud of you! I love you!
-- Cheyanne
- on December 10, 2013
Wow Carson, very good job bud. I am so proud of you keep up the great work as usual. You are making all of us proud.
-- Daddy
- on December 7, 2013
Carson - you really did a nice job on bridge and an especially nice job of catching the mood of Monet's pastels. Good work! Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on December 6, 2013
This is such a great picture, you are a great artist!
-- Wanda
- on November 5, 2013
Carson, love your picture, it's awesome!
-- Mama Wanda
- on October 29, 2013
You did a good job on this, Carson - especially on the reflections. Keep up the good work! Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on October 28, 2013
WOW - that's a really crazy bird - I wouldn't mess with him! Very nice picture. Love you, buddy! Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on October 28, 2013
Hi Carson, love it, is like you, full of energy, love you
-- Mama Lida
- on April 3, 2013
Carson, this is a great picture! It's looks like Spring! I love it!
-- Mama Wanda
- on April 1, 2013
Great job, Carson. These really remind us of Indian blankets! Keep up the good work - we're really impressed with your artwork and very proud of you. Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on February 26, 2013
I love it. The hats go well with all the snow and cold weather.
-- PaPa
- on February 22, 2013
I love this Carson! Great job! They remind me of colorful snow hats :)
-- Carrie
- on February 22, 2013
Really a good job Carson.
-- james
- on January 30, 2013
WOW! Carson that is an awesome picture! The buildings are so good, I love this piece of art work!
-- Mama Wanda
- on January 30, 2013
Carson that is so awesome! I'm so proud of you !!
-- Cheyanne
- on January 30, 2013
WOW! You are really doing great artwork. Keep up the good job.
-- Aunt Trish
- on January 30, 2013
Great Job Buddy!!! Very Proud of You! Love U
-- Daddy
- on January 30, 2013
Wow -- Carson -- what a great collage! You are becoming quite a good artist. Hope to see you soon, buddy. Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on January 30, 2013
-- Mama Lida
- on December 6, 2012
Carson, love your dog artwork, that is really cool!
-- Mama Wanda
- on November 28, 2012
Hi Carson I love your work is great, love you baby.
-- Mama Lida
- on November 23, 2012
WOW, Carson. You are really good at art - we like the circle around your dogs' eye it makes them look really cool! Good job!
-- Suzanne and Ray
- on November 19, 2012
Great Job Carson, You are amazing artist.
-- Daddy
- on November 19, 2012
Another wonderful picture Carson. Soon you will be in a gallery someday. PaPa Jim
-- jim
- on November 18, 2012
Carson that is absolutely amazing! I love it! Love mommy!
-- Cheyanne
- on November 18, 2012
Wow Carson! That guy is crazy! I love the blue antenna on his head.
-- Carrie
- on November 6, 2012
Carson your work is absolutely incredible.... You are truly gifted. Don't stop, keep going!
-- Jim
- on October 31, 2012
Really great job Carson, Uncle Randy and Aunt Trish are so proud of you.
-- Trish
- on October 30, 2012
WOW! Carson this is so good! One of these days we'll be looking at your artwork in a gallery! Keep up the good work. Love you - Suzanne & Ray
-- Suzanne
- on October 29, 2012
Go Cardinals! You are such a fan! Love it!
-- Wanda
- on October 29, 2012
That is such an awesome clown. Really cool buddy! Love, mommy!
-- Cheyanne
- on October 29, 2012
Love it, cool
-- Mama Lida
- on October 26, 2012
Sooo cool Carson fantastic, love it.
-- Mama Lida
- on October 26, 2012
Carson, your clown picture is amazing, I love it!
-- Wanda
- on October 26, 2012
Really a cool looking Clown Carson. Keep up the great art work.
-- Jim
- on October 26, 2012
Great Job Carson ! I like the bird.
-- Jim
- on October 26, 2012
WOW, Carson that looks great. Great Job!!!!!
-- Daddy
- on October 26, 2012
Really awesome Carson!
-- Aunt Candee
- on October 26, 2012
Looks like a baseball field great job!
-- Aunt Candee
- on October 23, 2012
Love the Monster Buddie!!
-- aunt candee
- on October 24, 2012
Carson this is great, like it a lot.
-- Mama Lida
- on October 22, 2012
Oh we have the greatest artist in the family. I love it. Love you dear
-- Mama Lida
- on October 22, 2012
This is an amazing piece, I love it!
-- Wanda
- on October 22, 2012
Carson, this picture is amazing!
-- Wanda
- on October 19, 2012
Carson, this artwork is amazing!
-- MaMa Wanda
- on October 19, 2012
Wow really a cool picture.
-- Jim
- on October 17, 2012
Carson you art is really good.
-- Jim
- on October 17, 2012
Carson you're such an amazing artist! Mom is so proud of you, love you!
-- Cheyanne
- on October 17, 2012
Very Cool buddy, great job!!!! I love it!!
-- Jan
- on October 17, 2012
Wow Buddy!!! Great Job, I love it. Keep up the good work. I love U.
-- Daddy
- on October 10, 2012
Carson, That's a great picture! Can't wait to hang it up! Love, Mommy
-- Cheyanne
- on October 10, 2012
Carson, I am so proud of you! That is the best monster I ever seen! Keep up the good work! Love you very much, mom!
-- Cheyanne
- on October 10, 2012
That is an awesome Monster! I love it!
-- Wanda
- on October 7, 2012