Stephen, I love castles!!! Grumpa and I have seen many castles on our travels in real life and you have really captured a very very real and strong looking castle. I know this castle would keep all enemies out. I also love the colors you chose for your drawing. In fact, now I am really getting confused because I love ALL your drawings and they are ALL so colorful and creative. You are a real artist young man! Love your Grandma Nanner. -- Leslie
- on March 5, 2013
Way to go Stephen, -- Grandma
- on January 25, 2013
Hi Stevie, Grandma loves your Art work. Keep up the good work. lOVE YOU, GRANDMA.. -- Grandma
- on January 23, 2013
WOW I just found out you were in the 2nd grade when you drew and colored this.....What an artist!!!! -- Leslie
- on November 14, 2012
I just think this artwork is beautiful and very creative, Stephen. I am particular fascinated with the Cameleon....his face is very well done and the colors are cool. You even thought to put him on a branch....All the details are a part of your picture. YOUR GRANDMA NANNER LOVES ALL OF THEM AND PARTICULARLY THIS ONE!! Love you so much! -- Leslie